Planning is one of the main tasks of all managers. One of the main pitfalls of planning is its fragmentation and interconnectedness. The sub-plans of different departments and company areas often contradict each other and are based on different criteria.

Is your business plan aligned with production capacity? Can logistics serve all your customers on time? Can you achieve cost efficiency or will you run out of cash before the season starts?

Your business is a complex organism, and an action at one end will lead to consequences at the other, affecting the execution of business plans.

Your business’s resources are never unlimited. That’s why you need to plan carefully and ensure they are used most effectively. Like all your competitors, you plan at many different levels: purchasing, sales, finance, production, and logistics. With VERITICO PLAN, you can greatly simplify and automate your planning and use your resources wisely by accelerating planning and interconnecting all your company plans into one master plan.

You will no longer have to wait for the next planning meeting to resolve capacity conflicts, and lengthy meetings will be eliminated. VERITICO PLAN models your (S&OP) process and allows you to quickly react to changes in demand or capacity and maximize your capabilities. 

Sales and Operations Planning

S&OP is a well-known process that most companies practice in some form of planning. The traditional monthly cycle involves demand planning( i.e., what we will sell, confronting capacity, and planning what we will buy or produce and what we will deliver to the customer). You then resolve capacity conflicts and try to increase efficiency. Finally, you submit the plans to management for approval.

A typical cycle can take up to a month. This is not very flexible, and such a process does not allow you to respond flexibly to sudden events. Changes during the monthly planning cycle are problematic because the plans are not ready, and updating requires time especially if you use Excel spreadsheets. You may feel pressure to make decisions based on incomplete documents. 

VERITICO PLAN provides automatic S&OP document processing for meetings, which are available at all times. This helps you prepare business plans and compare benefits using what-if scenarios. It independently identifies product families based on which top-down planning is reliable. VERITICO PLAN tracks sales and informs you when plans should be updated in case of any deviations.

Last but not least, VERITICO PLAN allows you to transition your plans to execution using the S&OE process seamlessly. 

Benefits of
Sales and Operations Planning
increase in revenue
by increasing availability of goods
better customer service
by better allocation of resources
time saved on planning
by easy transformation of plans

Main Features of

Whether it’s Christmas or the arrival of summer, thanks to the support of our software and a well-managed S&OP process, you can cope with capacity constraints and plan your season to meet your customers’ demands. Proper stock structure and efficient stocking capacity ensure you meet your sales and margin potential according to your plan.

Demand planning can cause large fluctuations in operational requirements. The goal is to balance demand with supply, using capacity and resource potential as efficiently as possible. This leads to the elimination of operational peaks and bottleneck risks, as well as the elimination of excess inventory buffers and acceleration of the flow of goods through the entire Supply Chain.

Tailored reporting enables the use of data in strategic, tactical, and operational planning phases. It provides a comprehensive overview of the approved plan and current situation. Thanks to daily recalculation, plans are automatically updated with the latest data.

Sales and Operations Execution

“Without strategy, execution is aimless. Without execution, strategy is useless.”

By Gartner’s definition, S&OE is tasked with making small daily and weekly adjustments to resource planning (i.e., inventory, logistics, transportation, human capacity, and other issues) that require real-time monitoring. If S&OP works with a 3-18 month outlook, S&OE operates in a 0-3 month timeframe. S&OP works with long-term outlooks and forecasts at the product family and customer category levels. With S&OE, we focus on the most granular planning detail: the individual item and its location. 

VERITICO PLAN integrates both processes, which leads to simplification and transparency. There is only one truth, and after you go through the different scenarios, there is only one goal.

This does not eliminate the need to react to changes. VERITICO PLAN has features that support exception management, so any deviations from the plan are reported to you and allow you to respond effectively. Are your sales declining in one segment? Is another segment at risk of being constrained by resource unavailability? VERITICO PLAN advises how to effectively reallocate resources to meet your big goal.

Benefits of
Sales and Operations Execution
decrease in lost sales
due to timely alerts on low performing categories/channels
increase in resource utilization
by balancing in and outbound logistics and production
increase in ability to change
while limiting mundane work with tables

Main Features of

Exception Management allows you to automatically detect sudden changes and crisis situations in demand or resource utilization and recommend the next course of action. For example, you will receive an automatic suggestion to cancel or shift supplier orders when warehouse capacity may be exceeded.

Within the framework of What-If analyses, you can change individual planning parameters and quickly verify their impact on the company’s core KPIs and the entire Supply Chain. You’ll instantly know how your sales, cash flow or inventory plans will change, or how your decisions will affect capacity and resource utilization from production to warehousing to distribution.

When designing orders for branches or suppliers, large fluctuations in operational logistics requirements can arise. The aim of VERITICO PLAN is to eliminate operational spikes in and out of the warehouse and adhere to the values that make the best use of logistics resources. For example, you plan to pick 4,500 orders one day and only 2,000 the next. If there are fewer proposed orders, the system will “look” at the purchasing forecast of the branches or suppliers and move them from the future. If, on the other hand, there are a lot of proposed orders, the system will “cut” the orders with the lowest risk of impact on profit and sales and move them. This will balance the intake and dispatch load over time.

Case Studies
Evropská 2588/33a,
160 00 Praha 6


Contact us to discuss your options.
Every retail business is different and we will tailor a plan to suit you.