Planning is one of the main tasks of all managers. One of the main pitfalls of planning is its fragmentation and interconnectedness. The sub-plans of different departments and company areas often contradict each other and are based on different criteria.
Is your business plan aligned with production capacity? Can logistics serve all your customers on time? Can you achieve cost efficiency or will you run out of cash before the season starts?
Your business is a complex organism, and an action at one end will lead to consequences at the other, affecting the execution of business plans.
Your business’s resources are never unlimited. That’s why you need to plan carefully and ensure they are used most effectively. Like all your competitors, you plan at many different levels: purchasing, sales, finance, production, and logistics. With VERITICO PLAN, you can greatly simplify and automate your planning and use your resources wisely by accelerating planning and interconnecting all your company plans into one master plan.
You will no longer have to wait for the next planning meeting to resolve capacity conflicts, and lengthy meetings will be eliminated. VERITICO PLAN models your (S&OP) process and allows you to quickly react to changes in demand or capacity and maximize your capabilities.